Scaling Buildup on Immersion Heater
The image below shows an immersion plate process heat exchangers with a build-up of chemical scaling from the pickling bath. The scaling reduces the immersion plate exchangers efficiency because the scales are less thermally conductive than the graphites. The build-up can be removed either chemically or mechanically; however, this is time-consuming. Some pickling solutions and processes are more prone to depositing scale on the plate heater.
Reduce Scaling with Teflon Coating
Active Chemical Systems offers optional PTFE coating to reduce the scaling build-up rate. Scaling is less likely to form on the PTFE surface and is easier to remove.
Removing scaling can potentially damage the graphite immersion plate heater. Using a pressure washer with excessive pressures can strip the surface of the graphite. Any time impregnated graphite is stripped from the heater surface, there is a possibility of creating porosity that could lead to leakage of the steam or water into the pickling bath.
Active Chemical Systems, Inc. offers optional PTFE coating to reduce the scaling build-up rate. Scaling is less likely to form on the PTFE surface and is easier to remove.